Enterprise Domain User Setup - Send All Email Using Your Company Domain

If your enterprise admin has an Enterprise Domain setup, you can easily setup your company email for sending marketing, newsletters, nurture and much more. This provides full consistency for all emails sent.

The following walk-though is only available if your Aidium enterprise is fully setup for this option. If it is not, it is up to your Enterprise Admin to take the necessary steps, found here.

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Once your enterprise is setup for this, there are only a few steps necessary to begin sending all emails, through Aidium, from your company email address.

  1. First, we'll click on our name at the bottom-left and choose, 'Account settings'.

  2. Then, we'll click on 'Integrations' in the options on the left side.

  3. Once on the integrations page, we'll scroll down to the 'Email Integrations' section. If our enterprise is ready for it, there will be an additional section, in gray, to allow us to enter our email address.
    If our enterprise has multiple approved domains, each will each be listed after "Available domains:".

  4. Once we add our email address and click the 'Verify Email' button, we should receive an email within a few minutes to that address. There will be a link in that email to verify the email address is valid. This email will come from no-reply@aidium.app

    If, for any reason we misspell the email, or the email entered is not as intended, clicking "Try Again"  will restart the process.

  5. After clicking the link in the email to verify our email address is valid. We'll be taken back into Aidium for confirmation of successful setup of our company email. Now, rather than the previous email address listed, we can see out company email address setup with a green 'Verified' badge next to it.

  6. That is it! We're finished setting-up our company email address for sending though Contact based automations!

⚠️  This is designed to work in conjunction with 'Inbox Integration' to your business email. Be sure to always integrate your Outlook (Microsoft 365) or Google (Gmail for business). To learn how, click here.

Video walk-through of live setup

👍  This concludes the User setup of a company email with an Enterprise Domain