Manually Create a New Contact

Adding a quick Contact is easy with a few clicks and some basic contact information. Adding a Contact for every person you meet - business or potential and closed client, is a great way to enhance interactions, nurture and relationships.

⚠️  First Name, Last Names, and either a Phone Number or Email address are required to add a new Contact

Adding a New Contact

  1. Click, 'Contact' on the far left in main menu group.

  2. Click, ‘Add Contacts’ button, located in the upper-right of the screen.

  3. The 'Create a Contact' will slide-out on the right side of the screen.

  4. Begin adding the appropriate and available contact information. When completed, click the ‘Save’ button (in blue), at bottom-right.

  5. When completed and saved, you will return to the Contacts page.

💬  Contact Status will display different options based on your company's available options.

 👍 This concludes adding a new contact manually.