Cross-Team Tasks

Cross-Team Tasks are an efficient way to share responsibilities and action items when one or more users are responsible for assisting multiple teams. This can be incredibly valuable for roles like, Processors, Managers, Post-close Support.

Cross-team tasks is designed for users who assist across multiple teams and allow them to view and manage all of their tasks in a single, unified task management page. Additionally, users with individual team access will be able to see each task added within the teams they have access.

From within the unified task management page, eligible users will be able to quickly view all tasks, contacts and associated transactions quickly without switching manually between teams. It will all happen automatically by 'viewing' the contact associated with each task.


Within the Tasks page, every user will be able to view and interact with their own tasks as well as tasks assigned to members of their team. Since a single user can have access to multiple teams, each user can also view and interact with any task that belongs to all Teams they have access to.

To begin, we'll click 'Tasks' in the menu group on the left.

Next, the 'Tasks' page will load. Since we're set to view Team Tasks, we'll also see the tasks assigned to teammates.

Taking a closer look, these are all the points of interest on each task card displayed. Interacting with a task is coming further on in this article.


Here we can see switching between 'My Tasks' and 'Team Tasks'.
'My Tasks' will display all tasks assigned to me and for each team that I have access to.
'Team Tasks' will display all tasks assigned to anyone on my team but only for each team that I have access to.


Create Task

Adding or creating a new task is normally best to be done from within either a Contact, or automatically from an automation action. This way, the task will always be linked to the appropriate contact.

To create a task from a contact, simply locate and open the contact. Notice that the contact is automatically linked.

Now that the task is created, it will be visible on the Tasks page, regardless of which team that we are actively viewing. This we will take a closer look at in the next section.

Interact with Tasks in Other Teams

This is where the increased visibility and ease of use shines. Every task assigned to you, regardless of the team, are visible in one location, the Tasks page.

Not only can you view all assigned tasks for you or other team members, but you can quickly jump between teams and to the linked contact with two clicks.

In the image below, we're currently in 'Team Beta' - The first task listed, due today, is associated with a contact in a different team, 'Team Gamma'. All we need to do is click the ellipsis [...] to the right of the Contact name, then choose, 'View Contact'.


After clicking, 'View Contact', we'll immediately be taken to 'Team Gamma' and directly into the Contact detail for Cindy Johnson. This seamless transfer not only provides a time-saving jump, but also allows for full visibility and interactivity between every team that you or any other user has access to.

Once in the Contact, we can view all the details before managing the task from the 'Tasks' tab.

⚠️  This is a *NEW* feature - We'll provide more details and live demonstrations in the coming days