How to Delete Contacts and Transactions

Deleting one or many Contacts / Transactions can be done easily from list view in their respective pages.

There can be many reasons to want to delete a contact or transaction. However, we will also review some reasons why you may not want to delete a contact or transaction. Of course, we'll show you how to quickly and safely delete both.

Reasons to keep a contact or transaction

It's important to understand that after a contact and/or transaction is deleted, with some integrations, both can be re-imported as new if the integration pushes an update.

For example, when integrated with an LOS (loan origination software), updates to files pushed to Aidium are processed and if a transaction and contact(s) exist, they will be updated as expected - if they do not or no longer exist, they will be created as new.

Therefore, if a transaction and/or contact is deleted that is associated with an update from an LOS, they will be re-created as new.

Delete one or more contacts

  1. To begin, go to the main menu group and click 'Contacts'

  2. If necessary, adjust the view to List View by clicking the view switch at the top-right. The correct view will look like the below image and have 'check-boxes' on the left next to each contact.

  3. To find the contact(s) to be deleted, we'll use the 'Filter' button -or- use the 'Saved Filters' drop-down. For this demonstration, we'll create a new filter for: First Name [contains] "Rich". Click the following links to learn more using Filters and Saved Filters.

  4. Next, we'll check the box next to the contact we want to delete. Then we'll click the 'Delete' button that appears above the contact list. Before deleting the contact, we'll receive a warning. To finalize the deletion, click the 'Yes' button. To go back, click the 'No' button.

  5. To delete multiple contact, we'll simply check the box next to each contact we plan to delete. Then click the 'Delete' button. Before deleting the contact, we'll receive a warning. To finalize the deletion, click the 'Yes' button. To go back, click the 'No' button.


🚧  If the contact to be deleted has a transaction - the transaction should be deleted first, or, the contact should be disassociated with the transaction before deleting the contact. Learn more in the last section

👍  This concludes deleting one or more contacts.

Delete one or more transactions

  1. To begin, go to the main menu group and click 'Contacts'

  2. If necessary, adjust the view to List View by clicking the view switch at the top-right. The correct view will look like the below image and have 'check-boxes' on the left next to each transaction.

  3. To find the transaction(s) to be deleted, we'll use the 'Filter' button -or- use the 'Saved Filters' drop-down. For this demonstration, we'll create a new filter for: Status = "Setup". Click the following links to learn more using Filters and Saved Filters.


  4. Next, we'll check the box next to the one or many transactions we want to delete. Then we'll click the 'Delete' button that appears above the transaction list. Before deleting the transaction, we'll receive a warning. To finalize the deletion, click the 'Yes' button. To go back, click the 'No' button.


👍  This concludes deleting one or more transactions.

Delete a contact with a transaction

When a contact is either the Borrower on a Transaction, you cannot delete the contact. This barrier exists to maintain data integrity. However, there are a few easy ways to ensure you are able to delete the contact safely. Either delete the Transaction first, or, remove the borrower from the transaction first.

Delete the Transaction first:

When a contact to be deleted is the borrower on a transaction, just like in the above section, find the transaction. Then delete the transaction.

To demonstrating this, we'll filter transactions for the borrower:"Wen Ghulam", delete the transaction, then delete the contact.


Remove the borrower from a Transaction:

To remove the borrower from a transaction, simply find and open the transaction, then change the Borrower Contact. In this case, we'll make the borrower contact a fake or placeholder contact.


👍  This concludes deleting a contact that is associated with a transaction.