Create and Save Transaction Filters

Saving commonly used transaction filters will save time and help you and your team with repeatable processes, re-targeting, check-ins and pipeline reporting.

In this article, we'll review how to create a few basic transaction filters, then demonstrate how to save them. However, if you would like more information on how to use filters, here are a few great resources:
  1. How-to Video - Filtering Transactions
  2. Step-by-step article - Filtering Transactions

To begin, go to the Transactions page by clicking 'Transactions' in the left menu group.


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Create and Save a New Filter

  1. On the Contacts page and in the Table View (aka, list view), you'll see two buttons, 'Filters' and 'Saved Filters'.

    Filters will provide you with a slide-out for creating, applying and saving one or more filters
    Saved Filters will provide you with a drop-down of previously saved filters for quick use

  2. When we click on the 'Filters' button, a slide-out will appear on the right side of the page. Next, click on '+ Add Filter Criteria' button to add your first filter.

    For this example, we will filtering for:
    Status is "Underwriting"
    Property State is "CO - Colorado"
  3. Next, we choose 'Status' from the drop-down of fields.

    Then, we choose "Underwriting" from the list of available Transaction Statuses.

  4. Next, we click on the '+Add Filter Criteria' button. This will allow us to add an additional filter.

    Then, we choose, CO - Colorado

  5. At this point, we have a few choices, we can either click 'Apply' to view all transactions that fit the filter criteria we added. Or, we can click, the 'Save Filter' button.

    If we apply the filter, we can go back into the filter to save it later. This can be handy to double-check our filter provided the results we expected before saving. For now, we'll click the 'Save Filter' button.

  6. Next, we'll give our new saved filter a name. An easily identifiable name will be helpful to keep you organized as you add more saved filters over time. After naming, we'll click, 'Save Filter'.

  7. After saving, it will return us to the Filter we just created. We'll just click the 'Apply' button to view the filtered transactions.


👍  This concludes adding and saving a transaction filter for future use

Apply a Saved Filter

When ready to apply an existing saved filter, simply click the 'Saved Filters' button and choose the filter you wish to apply.

  1. We previously saved two filters, as you'll see in the image below. First, you'll see the filter's name in bold, then a preview of the filter criteria to help you quickly find the filter you're looking for.

  2. Next, we'll click on the filter we want to apply. In this case, we'll chose the filter, "UW - Wyoming". This saved filter has following filter criteria:
    Status is "Underwriting"
    State is "WY - Wyoming"

  3. At any point, clicking on the 'Filters' button will allow editing the filter to either add, edit or remove filter criteria. This will not edit the saved filter, so you can feel comfortable editing the filter.
  4. When you're ready to remove any currently applied filters, simply click the 'Clear All' button. This will clear any applied filter criteria.

👍  This concludes searching for and applying a previously saved filter

Managing Saved Filters

Removing a previously saved filter is easy and straightforward. Sometimes you no longer need a filter, or you have updated and saved a current filter and no longer need it. This will also provide a more digestible list of saved filters, which can be handy for longer lists of saved filters.

  1. Just like applying a saved filter, we'll click the 'Saved Filters' button. Then we'll move to the bottom of the drop-down and select 'Manage Saved Filters'.

  2. Next, a slide-out will appear on the right. To delete a saved filter, click the 'Trashcan' icon.
    To apply the filter, click the 'Load' button.


👍  This concludes managing previously saved filters