Contact View - Summary Tab

The Summary tab in the new contact view is like a dashboard for your contacts. It will show all the important details, transactions, notes, interactions and much more.

When opening any contact, we'll first be presented with a full contact summary. While each additional tab will provide detailed information, this summary is a great brief overview of all the important details at a glance.

Additionally, within each section of the summary tab, we'll see a list of only the most recent corresponding items. Then, if we want to see more of those items, there's a link to do so.

Using the image below, we'll give a brief walk-through of each section on this contact summary.


  1. Quick Contact Information - Email, Mobile Phone and Physical Address

    Additionally, there is a copy icon next to each. This allows for a copying to our clipboard for easy pasting into a different app.
  2. Tasks - This section displays all tasks for the contact that are have a status of 'To Do' or 'In Progress'. By clicking on a task, it will open the Edit Task drawer for easy editing.
  3. Communications - This section displays the last three communications (text message and email) and will display both outbound and inbound. Outbound has the bubble beginning at the right, while inbound has the bubble beginning at the left. Just like any other communication in Aidium, there is a 'View' link to see the entire message.
  4. Notes - This section displays the most recent note added to the contact. By clicking the ellipsis [...], we can edit that note.
  5. Transactions - This section displays the most recent transactions (loans). For the majority of contacts, this will be all transactions. Just like any other transaction listed in Aidium, clicking the blue loan # will display all the transaction details.
  6. Automations - This section displays the most recent automations assigned to the contact. This will also show if the automation is contact based or transaction based. If there is an ellipsis [...] next to the an automation, that means it is contact based, currently assigned, and we can click it to un-assign that automation.

👍  This concludes an overview of the contact view summary tab.