Contact View - Activity Log Tab

The Activity Log tab in the new contact view shows you all actions that have taken place on a contact. This can be actions taken by users, automations, communication and much more. Every change or update to a contact is captured here for review.

Sometimes, it can be helpful to understand how, why and by whom, a contact is setup the way they are. That's where the Activity Log tab comes in. Every action taken on a contact is documented in detail, as a single notated activity in chronological order. No matter how minor or major the action, it's documented for future reference.

In this article, we'll show how to understand each type of activity that can be stored. Using the below image, we'll examine each element documented in a every individual activity.


  1. Date / Time
  2. Activity Type Icon
  3. Activity Title
  4. Activity Description
  5. Who / How Activity Happened

Date / Time

This will display the precise moment the displayed activity took place, which will also be the order in which the activities list is sorted. Most recent at the top with an infinite scroll until we reach the beginning with "Contact Created".


Activity Type Icon

These will help us visually identify the activity type that took place. Below are the icons, activity type they correspond to and reasons they are captured.

NewContactDetailActivitiesIconsCreateContact1 Contact Created
NewContactDetailActivitiesIconsFieldUpdated1 Contact Field - Edited or Updated
NewContactDetailActivitiesIconsEmail1 Email - Sent or Received
NewContactDetailActivitiesIconsTextMessage1 Text Message - Sent or Received
NewContactDetailActivitiesIconsTask1 Task - Created or Edited
NewContactDetailActivitiesIconsNote1 Note - Created or Edited
NewContactDetailActivitiesIconsEntityLinked1 Related Contact -  Linked or Unlinked
NewContactDetailActivitiesAutomation1 Automation Activity - Added, Removed, or Automated Action


Activity Title

These are brief and direct descriptions of the activity itself. What actually took place. These go into more detail than an icon alone. For example, the image below displays the icon for Related Contact, while the title shows that a Contact Relationship was Created.

While the the next image below displays the icon for Note, while the title shows that a Contact Note was Update (edited or changed).


Activity Description

This will provide the additional context or description of what took place in the activity. For example, the image below displays the icon for Task and a title stating a Task was Created. The description says that the task was created with a Subject, "Send Birthday Flowers".

While the next image below displays the icon for Email and a title stating an Email was Sent. The description says that the email was sent with a Subject, "🏈 How to capitalize on a big win, George".


Who / How the Activity Happened

The who and how are a great way to understand the process, automation or person behind the activity being documented. For example, the image below displays the icon for Contact Field and a title stating a Field was Updated. The description says the Contact Status was updated to Prospect. Then, finally, it shows that update was made by the user, Jane Smith.

While the next image below displays the icon for Email and a title stating that an Email was Sent. The description says that the email was sent with a Subject, "🏈 How to capitalize on a big win, George". Then, finally, it shows that the email was Triggered by an Automation with the name, "New Lead Check-in - FTHB"


Not all activities will necessarily display the 'Who' or 'How' - in those cases, they are generally background processes or automation steps that are triggering a separately documented activity.

👍  This concludes an overview of the contact view - activity log tab.