Contact Detail View - Tags

Tags in the new contact detail view are a simple way to tell the story of a contact and what they mean to you and your team. By adding multiple tags, the complete story of a contact will begin to emerge, allowing automations and filters to act.

Tags are one of the simplest, yet most powerful ways to ensure everything important about a contact is captured, known, and acted upon by both automations and human activities. Tags can both be standardized in a team from within the team settings, or can be added on-the-fly from within any contact.

In this article, we'll demonstrate how to view, manually add an existing tag and how to create and add a new tag to a contact.

View Tags

Contact Tags are available at all times in the Contact Detail view at the top-right of the page. As tags are added, whether automatically or manually, the Tags section will continue to grow to ensure each is always visible.


When tags are longer in length, we can simply hover-over the tag with our cursor to show the complete tag text.


Add Existing Tag

Any tag that already exists in our team can be easily added to a contact with just a few clicks. First, we'll look for the 'Add Tag' link in the Tags section. After clicking, it will display a list of all available tags. At this point, we can scroll to find the tag we want to add, or we can type the tag to narrow down the tags displayed. Once we find the tag we want to add, we'll simply click on it.


Create New Tag

Sometimes, we want to add a tag that doesn't already exist in our team. It is important that we stay organized with our tags and try 'not' to overdo the number of tags, or repeat tags with slightly different spellings and tenses. However, creating tags on-the-fly can be a time-saving and efficient way to update contacts while enhancing our team customization.

To create a new tag from within a contact detail, just like in the previous section, we'll look for the 'Add Tag' link in the Tags section. After clicking, it will display a list of all available tags. At this point, we'll scroll all the way to the bottom and click, '+ Create New Tag' (or we can type, "Create" to automatically go to the bottom).

After clicking, we'll add the new tag name and click the 'Confirm' button, in yellow. As we type, it will automatically verify the new tag is unique (does not already exist). It will then create and add our new tag. We'll demonstrate in the animated GIF below.


⚙️  To learn about creating tags or adjusting existing tags from within Team Settings, click here.

Remove Tag

To remove an existing tag from a contact, we'll simply look for the tag in the Tags section, then click on the 'x' at the right of the tag itself. It will ask us to confirm we want to remove the tag. Once confirmed, the tag is removed from this contact.

Removing a tag does not remove it from your team settings. It will still be available to add to any contact going forward. To learn how to delete a tag from your team, click here.


👍  This concludes an overview of the contact view - tags.