Add to Your iPhone Home Screen

Adding an icon to an iPhone's home screen (PWA) is a great way to quickly access Aidium while away from your computer. Since Aidium was purpose built with mobile in mind, all day-to-day functionality is right at your fingertips on your mobile device.

Setup using the native Safari app on iPhone


⚙️ The same concept is available on Android devices, however, due to non-uniform development and OS release structure - If you have an Android device, you'll be better served 'googling' a how-to article based on your device type and/or OS version.

Setup using Chrome browser on iPhone

Much like the above video demonstration with Safari, there are other browsers that are now able to offer the same functionality and same basic process.  Rather than looking at the bottom for the 'Share' button, it is located at the top in Chrome.

After opening Chrome, going to and logging in. Click the share button, then scroll down to 'Add to Home Screen'. We then have the ability to edit the display name. Once satisfied, click 'Add' at the top right.


👍  This concludes adding an icon to an iPhone home screen for Aidium