In-App Notifications

In-app notifications are provided though a centralized area with quick insight into important activities. These will include new SMS/Text, new Task, new Contact and Import complete. You will also have the option of receiving an email.

Notifications, both in-app and emailed, can be a big time-saver and ensure you never miss out on important events. Just like Tasks - if you have access to multiple teams, all notifications are still viewable within a single location to ease in multi-team organization and productivity.

In-app Notifications Overview

The Notifications will always be visible in the menu group at the bottom. When new notifications are received, the number the yellow circle will update to show the number of notifications that are waiting.


By clicking on the 'Notifications' button, a slide-out will appear on the right with all current and past notifications. The newest notification will always be at the top.


Each notification will describe the 'type', or what caused the notification: New Contact, New Task, New Text or Import Complete.


  1. New Contact Notification - These will appear when a Contact is created by another team member, with us as the Assignee.
  2. New Text Notification - These will appear when a SMS/Text is received and we are the Contact Assignee.
  3. New Task Notification - These will appear when a Task is created and assigned to us.
  4. CSV Import Complete - These will appear when an Import was done by us and it has completed the importing process.

Click to View Notification Source

"New" Contact and Text notifications will go directly to the Contact from which it was generated. This will provide the opportunity to view the contact, see any previous communications, notes and tasks before communicating back or taking the next appropriate action.

New Contact

As seen in the animated GIF below, we'll click on the 'New Contact' notification. This will open the Contact where we'll interact by adding an Automation, updating the Status, and creating a Task.


New Text

As seen in the animated GIF below, we'll click on the 'New Text' notification. This will open the Contact where we can view, reply or take additional steps. After opening the contact, it will take us directly to the Communications tab in the Contact.



New Task

As seen in the animated GIF below, we'll click on the 'New Task' notification. This will open the Tasks page, into the task to be done. From there, we can edit the task and take other actions.



CVS Import Complete

As seen in the animated GIF below, we'll click on the 'CSV Import Complete' notification. This will open either the Contacts or Transaction page, depending upon the type of import we did.



Unread, Read, Archive Notifications

Notifications have three states or statuses:

  • Unread - New or untouched notifications
  • Read - Previously 'clicked' notifications - Once a notification is 'clicked' and viewed, it will be marked as 'Read'
  • Archived - No longer visible notifications (done/removed)

Sort by Status

In the animated GIF below, we'll show sorting by Unread and Read. This is a great way to concentrate on only those notifications.


Archive Notifications

When a notification is no longer needed, we can simply 'archive' it to move remove it from our notifications list. In the animated GIF below, we will archive a Import and Text notifications that we no longer need.



Manage Notification Settings

Every user has the ability to choose which notifications are displayed in-app, and which notifications are sent via email directly to our user email address.

To view and manage notification setting, we'll click on our name at the bottom-left and choose 'Account Settings'.


When the Account Settings page loads, click on the 'Notifications' tab. In the 'Activity Updates' section, we can toggle 'on' or 'off' any of the available notification types and methods. The image below shows the default notification settings.

It's suggested to leave In-App Feed notifications on for 'SMS from an assigned contact', at a minimum. Additionally, if importing Contacts or Transactions, it's important to leave on 'CSV import is complete' for Email. This comes in handy for any import error/issue reports, which will always come through email.


Walk-through Video



👍  This concludes an overview of in-app notifications and user notification settings