While there are many free and paid email signature generators, for a quick and easy builder, we love Hubspot's basic and free email signature builder.
To get started, you do not need to sign-up for an account - simply click this link and follow along below.
⚠️ Aidium does not own, manage or support this product.
Once we arrive in the Hubspot Signature Builder, we'll see 4 tabs on the left, each with a different purpose.
- Templates - There are 6 layout templates to choose from. Not to worry, we can choose a different template at any time.
- Signature Details - This is where we'll enter all the text, includeing phone numbers, email, address, social media links, etc.
- Stylize - We'll pick colors and fonts here.
- Images - This is where we'll add URLs/links to each image for our new signature. We won't be uploading images, but using links to images hosted elsewhere. Like, google drive, dropbox, etc. Any public file hosting should work.
Once we build out each of the 4 steps, we will export the HTML to our clipboard. Finally, we'll add the HTML to our Aidium User Settings - detailed instructions here.
Walk-through Video
👍 This concludes how to use the Hubspot free signature generator