Getting Started with Communications in Daily AI

Staying in contact with leads, partners, and clients is critical. Start here to manage your communication efforts with Daily AI.

Daily AI allows you to directly interact with your leads, customers, referral partners, and any other contacts uploaded into Daily AI. You can manage all of this messaging in the Communications feature of the CRM. 

From here, you can send communications via text or email, and create, manage, or delete pre-built messages for all customer types.

Once you start to acquire a large archive of communications, you can also sort the messages into different categories for ease of use.

Complete the steps in this guide, and you’ll be ready to start managing communications with Daily AI.

Creating New Communications

When logging into Daily AI for the first time, your Communications page will be empty. Don't worry — this will soon be filled with lots of messages to choose from! 

Once you set up templates in General Settings, and when you send your first drip campaign, you'll start to see this page populate with messages. 

Sorting Communications

You can sort communications to make it easier to complete communication tasks in priority order. 

  1. Click on Communications on the toolbar menu.
  2. You have the choice to filter by two dropdown options at the top left-hand side of the screen.
  3. Select either "All Communication" or "My Communication." 
  4. Select either "All" or "Unread."
  5. Select either "Unread SMS" or "Unread Email."

Note: If you are a team lead or Super Admin, you can view communication tasks assigned to your team under "All Communication." If you are a standard Daily AI user, this does not apply to your account. 

Sending Communications via Mass Actions 

If you want to send a message to selected contacts or groups without creating a drip campaign, you can use the "Mass Actions" feature to do this. 

  1. Click on Contacts tab on the toolbar menu.
  2. Click the checkbox for all contacts or groups that you'd like to communicate with. 
  3. Select the "Mass Action" dropdown and choose the communication type you prefer: SMS, MMS, email, voice drop.
  4. Type out your message and hit send.

Note: All texts go out individually. It will never be sent as a group text.

Tip: You can designate emails as “Normal” or as “Campaign.”

"Normal" sends emails using your integrated email account. You should only use this for small quantities of email sends (under 200/day). 

'"Campaign" sends the emails via Daily AI's servers. This is recommended if you're sending a large volume of emails at once. This also enables you to tracking open rates, responses, and other helpful performance analytics. 

Sending Communications via a Contact Record 

If you need to deliver a communication to an individual contact, this is easily done within a contact record. 

  1. Inside a contact record, there are 4 options on the top right hand side of your screen: text, call, email, or create a task.
  2. Select which option you prefer. 
  3. Once that action is completed, an activity will automatically log in the contact record.