Creating or Updating Password in Auth0

To establish a standardized process for creating and updating passwords for users during implementation and support activities.

This procedure applies to both the Customer Support and Implementation teams. It can be used by the Implementation Team to create passwords for new users and by Customer Support to reset or update existing passwords.


  • Implementation Team Members:
    • Follow the process to create a new user, as outlined in the SOP - Single User Add to Existing Enterprise.
  • Team Leads/Supervisors:
    • Ensure that the team is trained in managing user additions and passwords.
    • Monitor adherence to this SOP and oversee the quality of interactions during password-related requests.

Required Tools:

  • Aidium Admin App Access
  • Aidium Implementation and/or Customer Support (CS) user access to
  • Computer
  • Stable Internet Connection
  • Auth0 Access


  1. Log into Auth0
    1. Use your Google account credentials to access Auth0.
  2. Navigate to the Search Bar
    1. At the top of the page, locate the Search field.
  3. Search for the Client
    1. Copy and paste the client's email address into the search bar.
  4. Access the Client's Information
    1. The client’s contact details will appear.
    2. Select the Actions button located at the top right corner of the screen.
  5. Change the Password
    1. From the dropdown menu, select Change Password.
  6. Set the New Password
    1. Create a new password following the standard format:
      Example: $John!Doe$!
  7. Confirm the New Password
    1. Re-enter the new password for confirmation.
    2. Once confirmed, select Save to apply the change.

Notes and Guidelines:

  • Password Formatting:
    The format should always adhere to the $FirstName!LastName$! structure to ensure consistency and security.
  • Compliance and Monitoring:
    Team leads and supervisors should ensure that all team members follow these procedures. Random audits of password resets may be conducted to verify adherence to this SOP.


  • Single User Add SOP
    Refer to the SOP - Single User Add to Existing Enterprise for detailed instructions on adding a new user.