Communications Page Overview

The communications page is a simple to navigate and interact area to manage contacts based on most recent communications. This hybrid email/SMS inbox is designed to help navigate all communications to and from your team in a simple, organized way.

To access the communications page, first click on 'Communications' in the left menu group.

Next the Communications page will open providing a full view of all recent inbound and outbound communications, both email and SMS/Text.

The most recently communicated with contacts will be listed on the left and a preview of each communication on the right.


  1. Search Contacts - This provides a quick and easy way to search all contacts for communications.
  2. View Unread SMS - Toggle on to view only unread SMS/Texts
  3. Contacts - Clickable contacts shown with a timestamp of last communication that groups communications relating to just that contact.
  4. Name - Displays the name of the contact for which we are previewing communications
  5. Start Communication - Allows the sending of a new email or SMS/Text to any contact
  6. Quick Actions - Clicking each of these buttons will perform the displayed action on the current contact being previewed.
  7. Communication Preview - This area will display all recent communications on the contact being previewed.

Search Contacts

The communications to and from a Contact may not always be at the top, therefore, searching may be the quickest way to find what we're looking for. By clicking within the search and simply typing the name or email of the contact we're looking for, it will immediately start searching while we type.

In the animated GIF below, we demonstrate the ease at which typing just a portion of the name will provide all contacts that match.


View Unread SMS/Texts

Easily viewing and responding to Text Messages is important. This toggle is another quick and easy way to read, respond and mark texts as unread for future reference. In the following GIF, we'll demonstrate each of these.



Communications are displayed in the preview based on the current contact we've chosen. Contacts are sorted by most recently communicated with at the top. By clicking on each contact, we'll see the preview pane updated to include those inbound and outbound communications with the newly selected contact.


Start Communication

Starting a new or responsive communication to any contact can be done by clicking the '+ Start Communication' button at the top-right.

Once clicked, simply search for the contact, then click to view and interact with the contact.


Quick Actions

While previewing any contact, we can interact with the click of a button. Located at the top of the communication preview section, there are 5 options available to quickly view, communicate or create notes and tasks - all without leaving the communications page.


  1. View Contact - Opens the contact's detail page for viewing and editing the entire contact
  2. Send Email - Quickly send an email to the contact
  3. Send Text - Quickly send an SMS/Text to the contact
  4. Add Note - Create a note on the contact to track any important details
  5. Add Task - Create a follow-up task to ensure nothing slips through the cracks

Each action previewed in the animated GIF below.


Communication Preview

The preview will display all Emails and SMS/Texts that have been sent and received. Each communication is clearly marked with an "envelope" for Emails and a "bubble" for SMS/Texts.

Sent communications: Has 'Green' icon with the communication medium and an arrow pointing right
Received communications: Has 'Gray' icon with the communication medium and an arrow pointing down


Every email will also have a "View" link. By clicking this link, a preview of the email will slide-out on the right side of the screen. The animated GIF below demonstrates previewing both inbound and outbound emails.


By default, all communication types will display, however, we can change the view to just Emails or just SMS/Texts by clicking one of those options. This can be helpful to view specific conversations threads when viewing contacts with larger communication histories.

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👍  This concludes a walk-though of the Communications Page